Waiting for Vacuum

Confessions from a Cleanroom

Waiting for Vacuum is an outlet for thoughts on research and productivity. Waiting for Vacuum strives to improve the ways we use our digital tools in the real world. The focus is on research related activities using Apple technology.

Waiting for Vacuum is written by Jonas Ribe. Jonas is a PhD-candidate in biophysics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Jonas conducts research in the cleanroom facilities at NTNU NanoLab, a dust-free lab used for creating and characterizing micro- and nanostructures.

In a cleanroom most instruments have a vacuum chamber. Waiting for Vacuum is a play on the time spent pumping samples from atmosphere to vacuum. This downtime can be a nice breather, not unlike compiling in programming.

Waiting for Vacuum is a Jekyll website with static content written in Markdown. The website is hosted on GitHub pages. The design is done using the Twitter Bootstrap framework. The icons are from Font Awesome by Dave Gandy.